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Personal Development Package: 3 x 60 minute online sessions + access to recordings


Learn and practice conscious connected breathing and other relaxation and energising breath work techniques with 3 x 75minute sessions.

Book the sessions to suit your schedule although 1 x per week is recommended for best results.



You must have had an initial 90 minute session and full consultation (online or in person) prior to experiencing the following programme.

Learn and practice conscious connected breathing and relaxation and energising breath work techniques with 3 x 60 minute sessions.

Book the sessions to suit your schedule although 1 x per week is recommended for best results.  The sessions include:

  • Breath Analysis: Discover where you hold onto tension within the body.
  • Conscious Connected Breath: Learn a powerful breathing technique which includes conscious breathing, self acupressure (to release tension within the respiratory muscles), sound, movement and healing visualisations.
  • Coherent Breathwork: Introduction to a resonance breath pattern.
  • If requested or required you will be taught 3 – 5 yoga poses to help you further open up your breath pattern.
  • Guidance of how to build up a self practice so you will feel confident and inspired to maintain and build a practice.
  • Access to breath recordings to support your journey. This is received after the last session.


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