Conscious Breathwork &
Transformational Breath®
Conscious Breathwork is an umbrella term for a variety of breathing practices. There are many schools of breathwork around these days – ultimately breath coaching is about correcting unhealthy breath patterns using a variety of different techniques.
During years of study, both in breathwork and yoga breathing practices, the breath sessions you will experience will be a combination of teachings, from yoga pranayama to conscious connected breathing.
The most fascinating discovery whilst studying Transformational Breath was looking into how everyone breathes in a completely unique way and how we can improve the way we breathe to transform how we feel.
Transformational Breath® is a cutting edge breath work therapy combining conscious breathing, gentle body mapping (similar to acupressure), movement, toning (vocal sound) and positive affirmations. The unique combination of these self-healing modalities was founded in America, in the 1970’s, by Dr Judith Kravitz, a leading world expert in breath work.
She has devoted three decades to teaching this profound and yet simple breathing process to hundreds of thousands of individuals in over 20 countries. Founder of The Breathing Room, Aimee Hartley trained and certified with Judith Kravitz in 2010 in Italy, Mexico and United States drawing on a wealth of experience and knowledge from Judith and her tremendously talented and inspiring co-trainers.
The techniques used in Transformational Breath® can benefit the participant’s body, mind and spirit, improving well-being and raising consciousness. The modality is now making waves in the UK, as scientific evidence is now sound proof of the self healing qualities of the breath.
Breathwork therapies derive from spiritual practices dating back to 5,000 BC. Influenced by the ancient Vedic Yogic ‘prana’yama (breath / life-force control) and Tibetan Tantric Tummo, Transformational Breath®, is unique from other forms of breathwork in the way that it utilizes the entire respiratory system in combination with several other modalities.
Theory of Transformational Breath®
Transformational Breath®, is a self-healing technique that helps people to access the full potential of their breathing system for better physical, emotional and mental well-being.
The connected conscious breath (CCB) pattern is a natural, safe and easy–to-learn technique, which has proven to have many benefits almost universally, including increased energy, better immune response and increased ability to deal with stress in a positive way.
Breathing controls the functioning of every cell and the physiology of the entire body. With the majority of the population only using a fraction of their respiratory system’s capacity, it is no surprise that improper breathing is a contributory factor to ill health. Transformational Breath® helps correct unhealthy patterns of breathing and helps access full breathing potential, encouraging a fuller more conscious breath.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing is paramount to the Transformational Breath® process. Encouraging a deep breath into the abdomen is not only relaxing; it’s been scientifically proven to positively affect the heart, brain, digestive and immune system. Once the breath is moving in the abdomen, the upper lungs can be activated so eventually the breath is full, connected and active.
Conscious Connected Breathing combined with sound vibration techniques and simple core affirmations can help the body move in and maintain the wave-like “full circular breath” pattern. This activates a high frequency of electromagnetic vibration throughout the body and mind. According to the scientific principle of Entrainment, low frequency energy patterns are raised and transformed in the presence of the higher frequency energy state. This clears blockages within the energy systems.
Aimee Hartley uses the foundations of Transformational Breath, which is to look at Unique Breath Patterns, and uses her in depth knowledge of the breath, through her yoga teacher trainings to retrain you how to breathe in a healthy manner.

Even though we share the same air, we all have a unique breath pattern.
Transformational Breath can help you access a fuller respiratory system for better physical, mental and emotional well-being. It’s simple, effective and works fast at improving the way we breathe and ultimately the way we live our lives.

Award winning therapy
In 2007, the NCC and the Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM) merged to form the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM). The ICM was founded as a charity in 1982 and established the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) in 1989.
The BRCP is one of the longest-running, multi-disciplinary registers of CAM professional practitioners in the UK. It promotes quality, best practice, raising educational standards and integrated medicine.
The ICNM offers a career structure from Therapist, Practitioners, Senior Practitioner to Fellow and has many contains many divisions in Complementary medicine.
The Benefits of Better Breathing

Physical Wellbeing
- Fully opens the respiratory system
- Removes toxins 70% of toxins leave via the breath
- Stimulates circulation
- Unblocks tensions in the muscular body
- Helps with weight management
- Resolves addictions
- Improves sex life
- Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as stress, respiratory ailments, headaches, low energy.

Mental and Emotional Integration
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Helps manage panic attacks
- Improves and resolves body image issues
- Allows you to let go more easily
- Clears past traumas and dramas
- Awakens light heartedness and joy
- Relieves depressive and negative thought patterns
- Improves self-esteem
- Aids release of emotional blockages

Awareness & Expansion
- Enhances intuition
- Expands meditation capacity
- Strengthens spiritual connections
- Expands awareness
- Harmoniously blends the female (yin) and masculine (yang) energies
- Cultivates creative expression
- Deepens yoga practice

Transformational Breath® One to One Session
Private sessions are held in a quiet, relaxing and safe space with the beautiful healing sound of music. In the introductory session, after a few preliminary questions, you will learn the theory of Transformational Breath® and then be asked what you would like to gain from the session, be it to learn how to improve your breathing, letting go of unwanted emotions or simply to feel calmer. Throughout the session you will be lying down, in a comfortable position, supported by pillows and blankets. After an analysis of your natural breathing pattern, you will hear gentle, clear instructions to guide your breath into a connected rhythm. Pressure or body mapping will be applied to certain areas of the body to release tension.
Toning and movement might also be used to free any negative emotion in the body. You will continue to use the Transformational Breath® pattern for around 45 minutes to an hour. You will then return to your normal breathing rhythm. There is then time for deep relaxation where you lie for 10 – 15 minutes to allow the process to integrate and complete. After the session you will have time to discuss your experience and how you can incorporate a self-practice in to your daily life. Initial consultation is 90mins and thereafter appointments can be 60 or 90mins.
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