corporate & media enquiries: 07826 205163 is our online programme which launched in September 2019 and is now reaching children across schools across the UK, Australia and Germany.   Research has shown that deep diaphragmatic breathing can improve concentration, calm the nervous system and bring clarity to thinking.

The School Breathe programme prepares teachers to share practical, easy to learn bite-sized breath exercises with pupils on a daily basis. 

We have formulated a breath work programme to help children weave a daily 2 min – 15 minute breath routine into their school day and help them realise the power of a full healthy breathing pattern. 

Different exercises are used throughout the school term to keep both teacher and pupil engaged.

School Breathe Programme includes:


  •  Teacher training days (live or online) to include talks, workshops and practical teachings of simple breath exercises which can be shared with the children.
  •  Access to breath exercises to be viewed online/in the classroom, anytime.
  • Can include tools for breathing posters, breathing balls and other breathing tools  for the classroom.


This informative and effective programme has been developed to help teachers and children learn simple and news ways to feel calm, focused and energised. This can be part of the inset training day programmes.