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Breathwork Research & Inspiration

Harvard Research on the effects of breathing exercises on the nervous system

Breath control helps quell errant stress response.


Transformational Breath Foundation Research

Research papers on the benefits of breathwork exercises.

Lenus Medical Health

The importance and benefits of nasal respiration.



Medical News Today

Why mindful breathing keeps your brain healthy and young.




Max Strom, Breathe to Heal

Max Strom delivers a beautiful talk about the benefits of a full healthy breath.


Harvard Medical School Breathing Exercise

An abdominal breath exercise to encourage relaxation.


ProQuest Research

Breathing, Over Breathing and Mindfulness.  A short preview.

Science Daily: The Yoga masters were right!

New research explains link between breath-focused meditation and attention and brain health.

Breathing for Children

An article discussing the benefits of mindful breath work for children.

The Science of Breathing

An article on the science of breathing.

The proof that silence heals

Studies show how noise has a powerful effect on our brains.

New York Times

Benefits of better breathing for physical exercise

Bristol Live

Mouth breathing and behavioural changes in children.

Forbes Magazine

How Breathing Calms Your Brain and Other Scientific-Based Benefits of Controlled Breathing