Clean Air
How to enhance the quality of the air you breathe.
Air Purifying Plants and Inspirations to purify the air you breathe.
Starting at home, you can transform any room into your own breathing room by filling your house, classroom, office or any place you spend most of your time, with nature’s finest air purifiers. The lungs thrive on clean air and if we are improving our respiratory system, we should also look at ways to enhance the quality of the air we breathe.
In 1989, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in collaboration with Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA), carried out a Clean Air Study and published results that provided a list of the plants that are most effective at purifying indoor air. Below are some of our favourites.
We can also raise our awareness of the air we breathe in on day to day basis. Many city dwellers, especially in the UK, are exposed to illegal limits of air pollutants. Despite being taken to court over 7 times, the Government still refuse to put Air Quality at the top of the agenda. Joining and participating in clean air campaign groups can add pressure on the government to change their policies sooner than proposed. This is essential action that must be taken to protect ourselves and the next generation, from the long term ill effects of breathing in anything less than fresh air. Get involved today and join one of the campaign group links below.

Mostera Deliciosa
Native to the jungles of Southern Mexico and Guatemala and is really easy to grow. Much like our lungs, this one likes a lot of space to fully expand.
Easy to keep, with only a little water needed when the top soil is dry. It’s important not to over water as the roots can rot. Any yellow or wilting leaves could mean this has happened.
Also keep away from direct sunlight – best in the home away from windows. It’s great for cleaning and humidifying the air so an all round winner!

Marble Queen Pathos
This is super efficient for cleaning the air. It loves to be root bound in a small pot, and well aerated quick draining potting soil.
It’s leaves are beautiful and can look hand painted. It likes indirect sunlight and prefers mild humidity and higher temperatures so is great to have indoors as winter plant.
Please note: Pothos is mildly toxic to pets and humans. Typically, ingestion can cause mouth and stomach irritation.

Spider Plant
Chlorophytum comosum, aka the spider plant or airplane plant, is a species of perennial flowering plant. It is native to tropical and southern Africa, but has become naturalised in other parts of the world.
I love the erratic way the leaves grow and if you look closely the leaves almost have a hand painted feel.
Easy to keep and loves to be watered or sprayed once a week.

African Spear Plant
This plant, or cutting, is a sturdy slow growing plant that demands sunlight as its native to Angola where it grows under arid conditions. It loves full sun, so will sit on my kitchen window sill and it only likes being watered when the soil is dry to the touch.
Not only are some indoor plants great for purifying the air, they also lift the mood. Nurturing for something in a different way, watering, repotting, moving to better positions to help growth can also give you a new sense of caring for things.

Peace Lily
This pretty plant appears on NASA’s definitive list for top 10 air purifying plants. The Spathiphllum or Peace Lily breaks down and neutralise toxic gases like benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide which is much needed when living and working in a town or city.
It likes light and needs watering two or three times a week.
n.b Not one for the house if you have pets though. The leaves are toxic for dogs.

Snake Plant
Sometimes known as Mother-in-Laws tongue or ‘the nocturnal plant.’
While most plants take away oxygen at night, this one gives off oxygen at night. The plant also filters formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air.
So it’s one of the great air purifiers. Helps ease asthma symptoms and it has been know to induce a deeper sleep.
So easy to keep it actually thrives on neglect! Spray with water once a fortnight.